Glycolic Acid Peels For Skin Tanning Removal

· chemical peel treatment,Glycolic Acid Peels For Skin Tanning Rem,best skin clinic in Hyderabad,Glycolic Acid Peels,Benefits of Glycolic Acid Peels for Skin

A tan can lend a touch of warmth and shine to the complexion, but too much sun exposure can result in unfavourable tanning, making the skin look uneven and drab. Glycolic acid peels can be the solution one has been seeking if they struggle with skin darkening and need a practical fix. Peels containing glycolic acid have grown in favor as a secure and effective way to get rid of tan and restore a more youthful glow to the skin.

chemical peel treatment in Hyderabad

In this blog, we will explore what glycolic acid peels are, how they work, and the benefits they offer for skin tanning removal. Insights taken from the skin experts and aestheticians of Neya Dermatology & Aesthetics, a renowned skin clinic for chemical peel treatment in Hyderabad, have been used in this blog which make the post more useful.

Glycolic Acid Peels

Glycolic Acid is a form of alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) generated from sugarcane. The fact that it is the smallest molecule among AHAs permits it to deeply permeate the skin. Applying a solution with a regulated concentration of glycolic acid to the skin is the process of a glycolic acid peel. Exfoliating the top layer of dead and damaged skin cells with the solution encourages the deeper layers to produce more collagen and elastin. This procedure not only aids in removing tanned skin but also encourages skin renewal, giving the appearance of smoother, more youthful skin.

How Glycolic Acid Peels Work for Tanning Removal

  • Exfoliation: Due to its exfoliating abilities, glycolic acid is a great choice for eliminating the top layer of the dead and pigmented skin cells that provide the illusion of a tan. These damaged skin cells shed, exposing the new, tan-free skin underneath.
  • Melanin Reduction: The pigment that gives skin its colour is called melanin. A tan is the outcome of excessive sun exposure stimulating the development of melanin. Peels containing glycolic acid aid in preventing the production of excess melanin, lessening the appearance of hyperpigmentation and tanning.
  • Collagen Stimulation: The glycolic acid peel stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin as it enters the skin. These vital proteins aid in smoothing out the skin's texture, minimising the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and promoting an even skin tone, which successfully helps the tan fade.

Benefits of Glycolic Acid Peels for Skin Tanning Removal

  • Effective Tanning Removal: Glycolic acid peels are highly effective in removing unwanted tanning caused by sun exposure. Whether the individual has a mild or more stubborn tan, regular peel sessions can help to achieve a brighter and more even complexion.
  • Improved Skin Texture: Along with tanning removal, glycolic acid peels exfoliate the skin, leading to a smoother and softer texture. This can be especially beneficial if the skin has become rough and uneven due to sun damage.
  • Diminished Hyperpigmentation: If someone has patches of hyperpigmentation or sunspots resulting from excessive sun exposure, glycolic acid peels can help fade these dark spots, leaving the skin looking clearer and more uniform in tone.
  • Minimise Fine Lines and Wrinkles: Collagen stimulation induced by glycolic acid peels can lead to a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, helping individuals in achieving a more youthful appearance.
  • Short Recovery Time: Glycolic acid peels are considered superficial peels, meaning they do not penetrate too deeply into the skin. As a result, the recovery time is relatively quick, and one can resume their regular activities soon after the procedure.

Important Considerations and Precautions

While glycolic acid peels are generally safe and suitable for most skin types, it is crucial to follow some precautions:

  • Professional Consultation: Before undergoing any chemical peel, including glycolic acid peels, consult a skin doctor. The skin expert can assess the skin's condition, determine the appropriate peel concentration, and tailor the treatment to your specific needs.
  • Sun Protection: Even after tanning removal, the skin may still be sensitive to the sun. It is crucial to wear sunscreen with a high SPF and avoid direct sun exposure to prevent further damage and tanning.
  • Gradual Approach: For optimal results and to avoid any adverse reactions, it is advisable to start with lower concentrations of glycolic acid and gradually increase as the skin builds tolerance.
  • Post-Treatment Care: After the peel, follow the post-treatment instructions provided by the dermatologist. This may include using gentle skincare products, avoiding harsh exfoliants, and keeping the skin moisturised.


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 Peels with glycolic acid provide a secure and reliable way to get rid of tan and revive your complexion. These peels not only help to remove the tan, but also to promote exfoliation, lower melanin synthesis, and increase collagen development. This results in skin that is smoother, cleaner, and more youthful-looking. It is crucial to speak with a specialist like Dr. Ravali Yalamanchili to identify the best course of action for your particular skin type and issues. Visit Ney Dermatology & Aesthetics, the best skin clinic in Hyderabad to book a consultation with Dr. Ravali Yalamanchili today.